Why are Filipina Women Attracted to Foreign Men?

Filipina women use online dating sites to try and meet foreign men. This is primarily due to the fact that not as many tourists visit the Philippines as they do other countries in Asia like Thailand and Vietnam. For this reason, many relationships are formed between Filipina women and foreign men online. If you’re interested in meeting a Filipina woman, then here are four things you should know about why they are attracted to foreign men.


They offer financial security

The Philippines is a country where poverty is rife and financial insecurity is the norm for many families. Therefore, when seeking a life partner, women are motivated to meet foreign men, as they believe they have better chances of securing a healthy financial future than they would if they married a Filipina man. That’s not to say that they’re only interested in your money, but you should undoubtedly be aware of the fact that financial security is very appealing to Filipina women.


They are more cultured

Many Filipina’s spend their whole lives without leaving the country of their birth. This is not necessarily through choice, as it is often the case that they simply can’t afford to travel, or they’re not able to get a visa for a specific country. For this reason, Filipina women see foreign men who can travel as more cultured than men from their own country, which is the main reason they seek a partner from abroad.


They provide travel opportunities

Following on from the previous point, Filipina women believe their chances of travelling to different parts of the world are significantly increased by dating foreign men. Naturally, when dating someone who lives in another country from you, you have the opportunity to travel to their country to spend time with them and meet their families. Filipina women see this as a huge plus point of any future relationship, so if you’re looking to start a relationship with a woman from the Philippines talking about travel is likely to excite her.


They offer something different

Many of us go through life in our comfort zones. We go to work to the same place every day, hang out with the same people, eat the same food, and repeat this process year after year. A significant draw of dating foreign men to Filipina women is that they offer something different from what they’re used to in their everyday lives. Starting a relationship with someone from a different country is incredibly rewarding. You learn exciting new things about culture, history, and language that you would never know otherwise. This is true for Filipina women, and the fact that foreign men offer something totally different to men they may have dated in the past, they attempt to meet them through dating sites and build a relationship together.