First Thai Date – How to Prepare

Congratulations! You must be super excited about heading out on your first date with your ‘potential’ Thai girlfriend. Preparing for a first date can be daunting at the best of times, but it’s even more anxiety-inducing when you’re dating someone from a different country.

To ensure you’re perfectly prepared for your first date with a Thai woman, here are five tips to think about, each of which will help you make a lasting first impression for all the right reasons.


Dress to impress

In Thai culture, the way you dress says a lot about you as a person. If you’re hoping to impress someone, the smarter, the better.

While it’s not appropriate to head out for a coffee in a tuxedo [unless you’re James Bond], take the time to look the part before you head out on your first date. Your date won’t be at all impressed if you rock up in your sweats!


Keep the conversation light

Topics like politics and religion are somewhat taboo in Thai culture, particularly when discussed with people outside of your family or friendship circle.

As such, it’s best to avoid these topics during your first date. If they come up naturally, avoid penetrating questions that put your date on the spot. If you pressurise her into telling you about her religious and political beliefs, she will likely think you’re far too serious.


Pick up the bill

In some western cultures, it’s perfectly acceptable to split the bill after the first date. In Thailand, however, the man is expected to treat the woman and therefore pick up the bill.

If you’re worried about splashing out before getting to know her, suggest a casual date at a coffee bar instead of a restaurant. You won’t miss the few Thai Baht you pay for her coffee and cake, and it will show her that you’re kind and considerate.


Avoid PDAs

Even if you think the date has gone super well, don’t initiate a PDA. In Thai culture, PDAs are frowned upon, and you risk making your date feel uncomfortable.

That being said, if you’re walking down the beach at night and she slips her hand into yours, there’s no need to pull away! You should let your date take the lead.


Follow up

This last point isn’t specific to dating Thai women, but you should follow up as soon as the date is over. Tell her how much you enjoyed spending time with her and propose to meet up again.

Playing mind games won’t get you anywhere with Thai women. If you like her, just tell her and ask to see her again. She will appreciate your honesty and will be more than happy to arrange a second date if things have gone well.


If you have a date with a Thai woman, the most important thing is to enjoy yourself! Thais are extremely friendly, good-natured, and sociable, and you will find yourself having a great experience, whatever you get up to.