Letting go of your ex
Letting Go of Your Ex: Here is Why You Need to Stop Thinking About Your Ex and Commit to Dating New People
Letting go of your ex is emotionally draining. Whether it’s heart-breaking or liberating, you will experience a spectrum of different emotions and will ultimately question whether you made the right decision.
While there might be a few instances where returning to your ex is a good idea, the vast majority of the time, it isn’t. You need to admit this and move on. Life’s too short to fixate on former relationships and worry if you’ve made the right decision. Here’s why you need to let go of your ex and commit to dating.
You must have separated for a reason
Don’t forget; your ex is your ex for a reason. In most cases, that reason was perfectly justified. Maybe you weren’t compatible? Or maybe one of you did something that ruined the connection you once had? Whatever your reason for separating, it’s important to remember that you’re no longer together for a good reason.
Cherish the happy memories but don’t fixate on them
You will have undoubtedly enjoyed some special times with your ex-partner. Maybe it was a special Caribbean holiday or a European city break in the early days of your relationship. The trick is not to repress these memories or fixate on them but to cherish them. Look back fondly but don’t let them hold you back and question whether you made the right call. Accepting the past is a hugely important step to take when moving on.
You have so many exciting times ahead
Dating is exciting. Chatting online and agreeing to meet up with someone gets the adrenaline flowing and is unlike any other experience. While every date won’t be a success, you will meet some interesting people to spend time with. If you’re having difficulties letting go of your ex, you can’t truly commit to getting to know the people you’re dating. Focus on enjoying yourself and create new memories with the people that you meet.
There’s not just one person for everyone
Even the most romantic at heart probably don’t believe that there’s just one person for everyone. Life is a journey, and you will meet so many people throughout your life. While it can be hard to pick yourself up after a breakup, you need to realise that there’s not just one person for everyone. In fact, you will have so many chances to meet and interact with new people, so don’t let your mindset hold you back.
While we totally understand that it’s hard letting go of your ex, you need to do all that you can to find someone new. When you’re back in the game, you will be able to create fresh memories with new people, and you will soon stop questioning why you and your ex are no longer together.